

Refereed Journal Articles

(2025) Nicole Anderson, ‘The University on Trial’, special issue on Kafka’s ‘The Trial’ (ed. Nicholas Royle), Oxford Literary Review [accepted June 2024, forthcoming 2025

(2023) Nicole Anderson, ‘What Might Eco-Deconstruction Be?’ Oxford Literary Review 45.

(2022) Nicole Anderson, ‘The Fox and the Hound: a double spiral’, Philosophy Today 66: 2 (Spring 2022)

(2022) Nicole Anderson, ‘Auto-memoration, Con-memoration’, Oxford Literary Review 44: 1 (July 2022).

(2020) Nicole Anderson, ‘Humanimal Politics’, Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal 53: 2 (June), University Manitoba Press, pp. 125-37. ISSN: 1925-5683, Print ISSN: 0027-1276.

(2020) Nicole Anderson and Peter H. Steeves, ‘Political Animal(s)’, Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal 53: 2 (June), University Manitoba Press, pp. 1-18. ISSN: 1925-5683, Print ISSN: 0027-1276.

(2019) Nicole Anderson, ‘Edna’s Touch’, Cultural Studies Review, Vol 25: 2, pp. 219-220. https://,  ISSN 1837-8692, Published by UTS ePRESS: https://epress. php/csrj    

(2017) Nicole Anderson, ‘Auto(Immunity): Evolutions of Otherness’, parallax, 2017, Vol. 23, No. 1, 94–107.

(2014) Nicole Anderson, ‘Dead Letter: Les jeux sont faits’, Oxford Literary Review 36: 2, Dec 2014. Special Issue: Jacques Derrida, edited by Michael Naas.

(2014) Catharine Lumby, Nicole Anderson, and Sky Hugman, ‘Apres Le Deluge: Social Media in Learning and Teaching’, Journal of International Communication 20:2, pp. 119-132 [50% contribution].

(2011) Nicole Anderson, ‘Balancing authority, influence and responsibility in the field of education’ in Ethics and Education, special edition: ‘Journal editing and ethical research practice: perspectives of journal editors’, ed. Holly Randell-Moon.

(2010) Nicole Anderson, ‘Autoimmunity: The deconstruction and politics of “bio-art” and criticism’, Parallax 16: 4, Dec.

(2010) Nicole Anderson, ‘Supplementing Claire Colebrook: A Response to “Creative Evolution and the Creation of Man”’, Journal of Southern Philosophy, Vol 48, s1 (Spindel Supplement, September 2010), pp. 133-146. The definitive version is available at:        

(2010) Nicole Anderson, ‘The “Ethics” of Consensual Cannibalism: Deconstructing the Human-Animal Dichotomy’, ANTENNAE Issue 14, Autumn 2010 (SSN 1756-9575), pp. 65-74. Online at:    

(2010) Nicole Anderson and H. Peter Steeves, ‘Deconstruction and Science: an Introduction’, Derrida Today Journal, Vol 3: Issue 2 (Nov 2010). ISSN: 1754- 8500.

(2006) Nicole Anderson, ‘Deconstructing Technologies of Subjectivity’, SCAN: journal of media arts culture, Online at:

(2006) Nicole Anderson, ‘Freeplay? Fairplay! Defending Derrida’, Social Semiotics Issue 16:3 (September 2006), pp. 407 – 420 (Routledge Press, ISSN 1035-0330).

(2003) Nicole Anderson, ‘The Ethical Possibilities of the Subject as Play: in Nietzsche and Derrida’, Journal of Nietzsche Studies (JNS), Issue 26: 79-90 (Autumn 2003).

Refereed Book Chapters

(2025) Nicole Anderson (Accepted April 2024), ‘Claire’s Colebrook’s “Creation of “Man”’, for Thinking with Claire Colebrook at the End of the World, eds. Jami Weinstein et. al., Columbia University Press. [Expected Publication Feb 2025].

(2025) ‘The Transformative Power of Derrida’s Differance’, in Transformation in Contemporary French Theory, eds. Emma Ingala, Cillian Ó Fathaigh, Gavin Rae, Routledge [Expected Publication Feb 2025].

(2024) Nicole Anderson, ‘The Masturbating Animal’, in Erotics of Deconstruction: autoaffections of the living, ed. Lyn Turner, Edinburgh University Press [Expected Publication Winter 2024].

(2022) Nicole Anderson, ‘Human-Animal Differences: Posthumanism’s Deconstructive Force’, in Symbiotic Posthumanist Ecologies, Edinburgh Uni Press.

(2022) Nicole Anderson, ‘Animal Friendship: a responsible posthumanization’, Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism, Springer Nature.

(2022) Nicole Anderson, ‘The Other that Accompanies Me’, in Derrida: Politics of Friendship, ed. Cillian Ó Fathaigh, Edinburgh University Press. ISBN:  9781474486736.

(2021) Nicole Anderson, ‘Hauntology: the archive as past and future’, in The Digital Archive: Use and Re-use, ed. John Potts, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 105-113. ISBN: 978-3-030-79522-1

(2020) Nicole Anderson, ‘Pre-Post-Apocalyptic Culture: the future(s) of the Humanities’, in The Futures of Studying Culture, de Gruyter Press, pp. 83-93. ISBN: 9783110655094. Open Access:

(2018) Nicole Anderson, ‘A Proper Death: animals, death and the law’, in Kelly Oliver and Stephanie M. Straub (eds.), Deconstructing the Death Penalty: Derrida’s Seminars and the New Abolitionism, Fordham University Press, pp. 159-74. ISBN-13: 978-0823280100; ISBN-10: 0823280101

(2018) Nicole Anderson, ‘Ethics’, in Lynn Turner, Undine Sellbach, and Ron Broglio (eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to Animal Studies, Edinburgh University Press. ISBN: Paperback: 9781474458528.

(2018) Nicole Anderson, ‘Auto (immunity): evolutions of otherness’, in Autoimmunities. Herbrechter, S. & Jamieson, M. (eds.). London; New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, p. 93-106.

(2017) Nicole Anderson, ‘Chiasmatic Ethical Encounters’ in K. Korhonen and A. Haapala (eds.), Chiasmatic Encounters: Art, Ethics, Politics, Lexington. ISBN-13: 978-0739141786.

(2017) Nicole Anderson, ‘Pre- and Post-Human Animals: The Limits and Possibilities of Animal-Human Relations’, in Jami Weinstein and Claire Colebrook (eds.), Posthumous Life: Theorizing Beyond the Posthuman, Columbia University Press, pp. 17-42.

(2015) Nicole Anderson, ‘deconstruction and Ethics: an (ir)responsibility’, in Derrida: Key Concepts, Claire Colebrook (ed.), Routledge: London & New York, pp. 48-58.

(2013) Nicole Anderson, ‘Derrida and Language: Play, différance and (con)text’, in Iain McKenzie (eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to Poststructuralism, Edinburgh University Press.

(2009) Nicole Anderson and Katrina Schlunke, ‘Theory to Practice, Practice to Theory in Cultural Studies’, Cultural Theory & Everyday Life. Oxford & Melbourne: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195562453.

(2009) Nicole Anderson, ‘Eating the Other: Deconstructing the Ethics of Cannibalism’, Cultural Theory & Everyday Life. Oxford & Melbourne: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195562453 .

(2009) Nicole Anderson, ‘Poststructuralist Theory’, Cultural Theory & Everyday Life. Oxford & Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780195562453.

(2009) Nicole Anderson, ‘Postmodernist Theory’, Cultural Theory & Everyday Life Oxford & Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780195562453.

(2009) Nicole Anderson, ‘Bodies and Embodiment’, Cultural Theory & Everyday Life. Oxford & Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780195562453.

Major Creative Outputs

(2022) Nicole Anderson and Julian Knowles, ‘The Future/s of Democracy’, Six episode Podcast series, PBS Arizona, USA. Producers Nicole Anderson and Julian Knowles, Publisher: PBS Arizona

(2019) Making the Temporary Permanent: Digitising the Kaldor Public Art Projects Archive, Exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW, Australia (exhibition from: August – December 2019). Curators: John Potts, John Kaldor, Nicole Anderson, Ross Harley, Scott East.

Curated Exhibitions

(2019) Zoographia, Macquarie University Art Gallery (exhibited from 10 July 2018-30 Sept 2019), Curators: Nicole Anderson, Rhonda Davis, Kate Hargraves, Andrew Simpson.

(2005) Somatechnics, Macquarie University Art Gallery, April 2005, Curators: Nikki Sullivan and Nicole Anderson.

(2001) Casting New Shadows: A Photographic Exhibition, Macquarie University Gallery, Jan-Feb 2001, Curators: Nicole Anderson, Nikki Sullivan.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

(2013) Nicole Anderson, ‘Bringing together casual academic employment with discipline standards’, CALTN Refereed Conference Proceedings.

Book Reviews Articles

(2007) Nicole Anderson, ‘The Dark Creative Passage: A Derridean Journey from the Literary Text to Film’, Film Quarterly, Vol 60, No. 4, Summer 2007, pp. 85-86. ISSN 0015-1386. USPS 0190-480.

(2006) Nicole Anderson, ‘Negotiations’, Social Semiotics Issue 16:3 (September 2006), pp. 511 – 513. Routledge Press, ISSN 1035-0330.

Journal Issues Guest Edited

(2020) Special book length edition, ‘Political Animal/s’, in Mosaic, eds. Nicole Anderson and H. Peter Steeves, University of Manitoba Press. Issue length: 100,000 words [50% contribution].

(2010) Nicole Anderson and Peter H. Steeves, Editorship of special edition: ‘Deconstruction and Science’, Derrida Today Journal, Vol. 3: Issue 2 (Nov 2010). [70% contribution]

(2010) Nicole Anderson and Simon Morgan Wortham, editorship of special edition, Derrida Today, Vol. 3: Issue 1 (May 2010). [70% contribution]           

(2009) Nicole Anderson and Martin McQuillan, editorship of special edition: ‘The future matters: apropos of Derrida’s touching on the technology of the senses to come in a post-global horizon: Part II’, Derrida Today Journal, Vol. 2: Issue 1 (May 2009). [90% contribution].

(2006) Nicole Anderson; Mansfield, N; Pugliese, J, & Kirkby, J. Editorship of special edition: ‘The Political Futures of Jacques Derrida’, Social Semiotics Issue 16: 3. [90% contribution]

(2006) Nicole Anderson and Nikki Sullivan, Editorship of special edition: ‘Technological In(ter)ventions’, SCAN: journal of media arts culture, Issue December 2006. [50% contribution]

External Grants (Awarded)

(2018-2020) Chief Investigator on an Australian Research Council Linkage entitled: ‘Digesting the Kaldor Public Arts Projects Archive’: $220,000.

(2018) Lead Partner Investigator on the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Grant, Canada: $30,000.

Internal Grants (Awarded)

(2013) Innovation and Scholarship Program Grant, Macquarie University, co-investigator with Prof. Catharine Lumby, $20,000

(2013) Macquarie University Visiting Fellowship Grant, $6000 (to bring Distinguished Professor Lennard J. Davis from University of Illinois, Chicago, to Macquarie University).

(2012) Small Faculty Research Grant, Macquarie University, for subvention of indexer’s fees for Derrida: Ethics Under Erasure.  $1000

(2009-2010) Macquarie University, Priority Grant, $30,000.

(2005-2007) Deputy Vice-Chancellor Development Fund, Macquarie University, $32,000.

(2006-2007) Macquarie University Competitive Research Development Grant, $21,560.

(2006) Macquarie University Competitive New Staff Grant, $19,774.

Community/Industry Fellowships (Awarded):

(2020) Competitively won Fellowship. Title: ‘Empathy Machines: Fabricated Feelings and Shifting Perceptions’ with Chris Muller.

(2019) Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (Powerhouse Museum Sydney, Australia) Visiting Research Fellowship Program.


(2013) Macquarie University Teaching Award ($1000 prize)

University Fellowships and Professorships:

(2014) De Paul University, Chicago, USA, International Visiting Fellowship

(2021- ) Profesores honoris causa (Warsaw University):